Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby Rael Matrix » 04 Apr 2008, 05:27

Klaus Dinger, ex-batterista dei Kraftwerk, dei Neu e dei La Dusseldorf, e' morto il 20 marzo scorso all'eta' di 61 anni per un'attacco cardiaco.
Solo ieri e' stata data la notizia dalla sua casa discografica, la Gronland Records.

Kraftwerk nei '70

Klaus Dinger(il 2° da sx), con i Neu

Cartolina inviata a Klaus Dinger da Florian e Ralf dei Kraftwerk

Dal New York Times di oggi:

April 4, 2008

Klaus Dinger, 61, Drummer of Influential German Beat, Is Dead


Klaus Dinger, the drummer for the 1970s German band Neu!, whose mechanically repetitive yet buoyant beats had a wide influence in underground rock, died on March 20. He was 61.

The cause was heart failure, according to an announcement on Wednesday by his German record label, Grönland, which did not say where he died.

Mr. Dinger formed Neu!, which means New!, with the guitarist Michael Rother in Düsseldorf in 1971, after both had played in an early incarnation of the group Kraftwerk. Over three albums, the two perfected a droning, hypnotic style made up of Mr. Dinger’s simple, perpetual-motion rhythms and Mr. Rother’s fluid guitar effects.

Exemplified in songs like the 10-minute “Hallogallo,” Mr. Dinger’s beat was a steady pulse that seemed to extend rock’s most basic rhythmic patterns infinitely. The beat came to be known as Motorik, an allusion to the industrial style then prevalent among German groups. (The name Kraftwerk means power station.)

Along with records by Kraftwerk, Can, Faust and a few other groups, the original Neu! albums — “Neu!” (1972), “Neu! 2” (1973) and “Neu! ’75” (1975) — are landmarks of German experimental rock, a genre that was quickly labeled Krautrock by journalists and fans, both affectionately and derisively. (The musicians preferred the term Kosmische Musik, or cosmic music.)

Though the Neu! albums were long out of print before being reissued in 2001, they inspired countless artists, including David Bowie, Sonic Youth, Radiohead and Stereolab. The Neu! beat can also be heard in recent work by such groups as the Boredoms, from Japan.

Brian Eno, the British producer who championed Neu! and later worked with Mr. Rother, once said, “There were three great beats in the ’70s: Fela Kuti’s Afrobeat, James Brown’s funk and Klaus Dinger’s Neu! beat.”

In his student days in the 1960s, Mr. Dinger played in rock bands that he has described as influenced by the Beatles and the Kinks. He studied architecture but dropped out after three years to pursue music.

Mr. Dinger and Mr. Rother parted ways after the third Neu! album, and Mr. Dinger formed La Düsseldorf and later La! Neu? He reunited with Mr. Rother briefly in the mid-1980s and recorded an album, “Neu! 4,” that was released in 1995.

In a 1998 interview Mr. Dinger complained that he never called his beat Motorik.

“That sounds more like a machine, and it was very much a human beat,” he said. “It is essentially about life, how you have to keep moving, get on and stay in motion.”
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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby percuoco » 04 Apr 2008, 06:50

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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby windshield74 » 04 Apr 2008, 07:23

Cavoli.....a soli 61 anni!!!

Ora insegnerà la drum machine a qualcuno lassù......[:.-(]
Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare la donna mia quand'ella altrui saluta, e invece è una maiala risaputa...
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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby Tommy Banks » 04 Apr 2008, 09:57

Ho tutti i loro dischi fino al 1982...quanto mi piacevano.
Uno dei gruppi più importanti della scena moderna dell'elettronica,forse il più importante assieme ai tangerine dream.
Che brutta notizia...

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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby Dalex_61 » 04 Apr 2008, 14:22

Davvero una notizia triste. Che però ci ha consentito di ricordare i Kraftwertk, gruppo che ha fatto scuola ad almeno tre generazioni di elettrorockers.
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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby smiroldo » 04 Apr 2008, 15:36

Originally posted by Tommy Banks

Ho tutti i loro dischi fino al 1982...quanto mi piacevano.

io invece conosco pochissimo, e quel poco me l'ha fatto conoscere percuoco...che grandi, con quel look poi davvero assurdo nei primi anni 70. innovativi ed unici in tutto, davvero [:(]
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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby Betelgeuse » 05 Apr 2008, 11:53

Ciao Klaus.
Ho conosciuto i Kraftwerk solo per poco, ad un'età in cui ancora non compravo dischi, apprezzandoli però anche dopo.
Molto validi tecnicamente, avevano un senso negli anni 70/80, oggi presumibilmente avrebbero avuto più difficoltà ad imporsi.
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Addio Klaus Dinger, batterista dei Kraftwerk

Postby percuoco » 05 Apr 2008, 14:12

A onor del vero, ha suonato solo nel primo disco dei Kraftwerk..... ma cio' non toglie la tristezza...
"Fantastico, bisogna riconoscere, questa gente ci sa fare, fantastico!" (A. Cerruti)

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