Non fate morire le Radio Internet - Firmate ...

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Non fate morire le Radio Internet - Firmate ...

Postby Rael Matrix » 18 Apr 2007, 06:35

Vi prego di leggere attentamente, possibilmente "firmare" la petizione e di divulgare questo messaggio.

Si tratta di una questione esclusivamente di competenza USA ma in questo mondo oramai cosi' globalizzato i confini territoriali, tramite internet, non esistono piu' dunque siamo un po' tutti, chi piu' chi meno, coinvolti.
Questo e' l'antefatto:
La Copyright Royalty Board di Washington-DC (ente assimilabile alla nostra SIAE o alla SCF) ha triplicato le tariffe di licenza alle radio-internet statunitensi.Praticamente i costi sono quadrupli rispetto a quanto pagano le radio che trasmettono via satellite.
Questo significa "uccidere"-"chiudere" per sempre queste radio.

"GENESIS-REUNION Radio Web Open 24/7" e' una di queste e Pandora e' il provvider che la mette in rete ( ). Questa radio, differentemente da quelle italiane, e' una radio "on demand", ovvero, la scaletta o il palinsesto lo DECIDE L'ASCOLTATORE. Percio' se volessi ascoltare una buona mezzora di PETER GABRIEL RADIO questo lo posso fare e magari, per par condicio, l'altra mezzora la dedico a PHIL COLLINS RADIO.

Riporto, integralmente, quanto ricevuto da Tim Westergren, CEO e fondatore di Pandora:

"Hi, it's Tim from Pandora,

I'm writing today to ask for your help. The survival of Pandora and all of Internet radio is in jeopardy because of a recent decision by the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, DC to almost triple the licensing fees for Internet radio sites like Pandora. The new royalty rates are irrationally high, more than four times what satellite radio pays and broadcast radio doesn't pay these at all. Left unchanged, these new royalties will kill every Internet radio site, including Pandora.

In response to these new and unfair fees, we have formed the SaveNetRadio Coalition, a group that includes listeners, artists, labels and webcasters. I hope that you will consider joining us.

Please sign our petition urging your Congressional representative to act to save Internet radio: ... id=9631541

Please feel free to forward this link/email to your friends - the more petitioners we can get, the better.

Understand that we are fully supportive of paying royalties to the artists whose music we play, and have done so since our inception. As a former touring musician myself, I'm no stranger to the challenges facing working musicians. The issue we have with the recent ruling is that it puts the cost of streaming far out of the range of ANY webcaster's business potential.

I hope you'll take just a few minutes to sign our petition - it WILL make a difference. As a young industry, we do not have the lobbying power of the RIAA. You, our listeners, are by far our biggest and most influential allies.

As always, and now more than ever, thank you for your support."

Pertanto cliccando sul link ... id=9631541
e compilando i dati richiesti si inviera' una email a:
Rappresentante McNulty
Senatore Clinton
Senatore Schumer

Questo e' testo dell'email che verra' inviata:

"Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

As a fan of Internet radio, I was alarmed to learn that the Copyright Royalty Board has decided to raise music royalty rates by 300 to 1200 percent. For most webcasters the new royalties exceed their revenue and they simply will go bankrupt and stop webcasting.

The silencing of Internet radio would be a blow to listeners like me who enjoy the wide variety of choices only available via Internet radio. This will kill the great diversity of music that I hear over the Internet and all the independent artists who have a difficult time breaking through on other forms of radio.

I respectfully request that Congress look into this matter and take action to prevent it. Please understand that time is of the essence since the new royalty rates are retroactive to January 1, 2006 so they will cause immediate bankruptcies if they become effective for even one day. Please don't let the music die.

Sincerely, ...."

Grazie per la collaborazione.
Rael Matrix
Posts: 3197
Joined: 22 Mar 2007, 05:36

Non fate morire le Radio Internet - Firmate ...

Postby highinfidelity » 19 Apr 2007, 08:07

Rael Matrix, non mi pare che questo messaggio sia specifico riguardo ai Genesis, pertanto lo sposto nell'area "Melody Maker", dove ti suggerisco di aprire in futuro eventuali messaggi analoghi.
<< Conoscete voi spettacolo più ridicolo di venti uomini che s'accaniscono a raddoppiare il miagolìo di un violino? >>
(Luigi Russolo, Intonarumorista. 1913.)

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Non fate morire le Radio Internet - Firmate ...

Postby SQUONK64 » 19 Apr 2007, 09:59

beh..ho letto velocemnte appena ho un po' piu' di tempo firmo..[;)]
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