Ultimissime da Phil - intervista austriaca

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Ultimissime da Phil - intervista austriaca

Postby Rael Matrix » 31 May 2007, 15:53

Ieri , 30 maggio 2007

da questo link: http://www.nachrichten.at/kultur/554398
esce fuori questa traduzione (grazie a Jeanie del forum di Phil)[:D]

"To be a rockstar, is not hard"

The legendary rockband genesis goes for the first time for 13 years again on route. On 19 June gives the Trio on the Linzer Gugl its only concert in Austria. The OOEN spoke with drummer and singer Phil Collins.

OOEN: Phil, how are you?

Collins: I am tired, but I am well. I have two small children, two boys at the age of two and six years. I were at home on weekend and naturally I don‘t got peace, if the two are there. Those arranged me as the base.

OOEN: It is 13 years ago, since you were last with their genesis colleagues Tony bank and Mike Rutherford on route. Now you are with the two finally again on axle. How do you feel thereby?

Collins: We do only, because it makes fun. We do not have anything new in stock - no new album. We do not have a real reason to make. We do not need no cash, no nothing at all. We make that, because we like us, because we like the music. We thought, it makes fun to go again on route. That was something, about what we spoke and we found a quantity of reasons not to do it. But at the end we decided to arrange some few shows. Because it would be simple to satisfy the request of the public. That would mean, from 20 shows suddenly 60 would become. I said always, let's make it short and with lot of fun for us and have a beautiful time thereby, we go playing our music for people, which would like to hear it again or for the first time.

OOEN: Linz is the only genesis station in Austria. Do you have any certain memories of Austria from earlier appearances?

Collins: I can remember that we played in the Viennese stadium. We were never in Linz, but even in Vienna. This part of the world was always good to us. Fact is that the tickets were here always rapidly sold off. That shows us that there is a quantity of people here, who want us to hear or also who would like to hear us, because they missed us in former times. For what reason also always: We operate hard on the new show - I hope, we can give the fans something, which makes joy for them.

OOEN: There were rumors over a new genesis album, which proved as pure invention, at least up to now. Will you play nevertheless new genesis material with your route?

Collins: No. It was actually never spoken about a new album. I don't know, from where it comes. But honestly: We don't say, we will not make that, we only did't say "yes" to it, so far. If one comes into our age, then one creates a family, and with a family the life becomes sometimes more complicated, it changes the directions. To sit six months with two others in a studio, new material for an album to write, is not really what we want in our life at present. We like each other really very much. We didn‘t stopped operating together because we don‘t like each other. I left the group at that time, 1993, because I wanted to make different things. Also my day has only 24 hours, as every different one also. Therefore something had to leave in my life. Honestly: I love the things, which we create together, we three in genesis. Chemistry, that is something completely special. And over the years we also detected, HOW special the whole is. We would make gladly a new album, but that is very time-consuming. For the moment we only try to arrange the show to sounds good. Perhaps we take up a new CD sometime, but at the moment i don‘t say "yes" and i don't say "no".

OOEN: Your position in genesis as Drummer and singer at the same time is something, which you divide only with few colleagues, about Don Henley of the Eagles. Where is the challenge situated to serve the drums and be Leadsinger at the same time?

Collins: We laugh in that band sometimes at the fact that all look on the drummer, if the number becomes too fast. But reality that is not the debt of the Drummer. Everyone plays and the drummer tries to hold the rhythm. Yes, there it is a small group of people, which sing and play drums at the same time. In genesis I am very probably a "Teamplayer". We have all our roles. Some particularly stand out, other fewer, but those are the more important for it. I think, perhaps I am that in that band, which such a little controls the boat. But at the same time Tony Banks and Mike Rutherford are the Engine. This combination made genesis so special and led to the fact that nobody sounds such like we. That is even because of Tony and Mike, I say it completely honestly. In its material much depth is situated. Together we have a great chemistry. The people believe, I am the leader, because the singer makes everything anyway. But it is not correct. I am not by any means the Bandleader.

OOEN: All three genesis members matured over the years, as musicians and humans. Where would you see the difference of genesis 1977 over 1992 up to the today's group?

Collins: The today's group plays a selection of material, which was written between 1973 up to the point in time, in which I stepped out. We play the time interval from 1973 to 1993. We invent ourselves in a certain way again, with new visual show effects with our concerts, with today's state of technical and with the manner, as we feel today. But it is interesting in connection with genesis in former times that there is not much in our past that I would call big joy, I personally. Which I mean - and there many critics possibly give me quite - the old albums became in a certain time - 1973, 1974, 1975 - written, thus to a completely different time than today. At that time, that what we made, nobody did before . There are few things, of which I think back with big joy, and others, which I did not like so much. We play a selection of Songs, which appeal to us all three. Some of it are for for the public, some of it are for us, and we hope, the public can follow us.

OOEN: The European section the turn It on Again route beginning on 11 June in Helsinki, on 19 June are you in Linz, and the route end is announced for 14 July in Rome. Additionally some concerts are located in the USA on the program. Do you intend to publish the material, which is taken up thereby, as live-album?

Collins: Yes, I am rather sure that that will occur. We intend that in Europe. The fans can buy CD from the concert, which they visited. I do not have notion, how that functions technically, but we make that. We take up each concert night. In Rome we will also film. With this concert there is free entrance. It takes place in the Circus Maximus, where also the famous car running was in "Ben Hur". At Italy we attach a quantity beautiful memories, because it was one of the first countries, in genesis appreciation experienced. From this concert in Rome it will give a DVD.

OOEN: It is probably like, that you have a completely different life than people like us. You have one or possibly several agents, who worry about your interests, you are working when most people already have finishing time. Is the life as a star, like you undisputed,hard?

Collins: That is not hard, no. Oh, God, it is not hard. How could it be? We get first class flight tickets, have first-class accommodations. That is not hard. Everyone, which says that it is hard, should once do really hard work. I feel honoured and privileged to do what I do gladly, and to be able to live on it . And like the things are, I earn more, than that I could only live my life of it. I have really very large luck.
An example: I said good-bye at the Monday morning of my six-year one and my two-year one. I will not see them for weeks. They suffer from confusions of my divorce. The difficult is not my work, the difficult is the real life. That is it, which I find hard. My work is rather simple.

Mi pare che:
ROMA = DVD [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]


"At Italy we attach a quantity beautiful memories, because it was one of the first countries, in genesis appreciation experienced"

Rael Matrix
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Ultimissime da Phil - intervista austriaca

Postby Salmacis » 01 Jun 2007, 22:16

no,veramente secondo me quest'intervista è tutta molto bella[8:-x][8:-x]
- Le ho lette le FAQ, tranquilla.
- Quindi il tuo ignorarle bellamente è intenzionale?
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Ultimissime da Phil - intervista austriaca

Postby Dalex_61 » 05 Jun 2007, 12:30

Favolosa intervista! I punti che m'interessano di più?

1) L'intervistatore, come me, desidera un nuovo album da studio e Phil ammette che la cosa piacerebbe a tutti e tre i Genesis. Di più: dice che l'uscita discografica potrebbe anche realizzarsi nel futuro, ma senza date. Il problema sembra essere il tempo: Phil non vuole stare sei mesi chiuso in una sala di registrazione perché "tiene famiglia"! [:-D] Ma quando mai poi i Genesis ci hanno messo sei mesi per incidere un album?

2) L'ultima risposta è magnifica: Phil ammette di essere un fortunato, di avere un mucchio di soldi e tanta fortuna. E' divertente osservare che le uniche difficoltà nella vita - lo dice lui - se le è procurate da solo diverziando! [;)]
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